Escape Site

A Shattered Picture: A poem

A shattered picture is a poem written by Rhiannon. This is her story.

West Sussex Connect supported Rhiannon and her son in their recovery from domestic abuse.West Sussex Connect supported Rhiannon and her son in their recovery from domestic abuse. Rhiannon attended our adult recovery group “Pathway To Progress”, and also our parent recovery group “Grow Together”.

Pathway to Progress is a 6-week domestic abuse awareness and healthy relationship programme. The group provides a supportive platform for victims of domestic abuse to explore the effects of abuse, with a strong focus on remaining safe and the support available in the wider community. It provides tools to put solid boundaries in place and to recognise and begin to build or rebuild positive relationships, self-esteem, and confidence whilst becoming empowered from the sense of belonging and understanding within the group.

Grow Together is a 6-week group programme which focuses on a child’s perspective and experience of the domestic abuse that has taken place and how this can impact the parent/child relationship. The aim of the Grow Together group is to provide support to strengthen the relationship between a parent and their child/children. Our Children & Young People Specialist provided direct, targeted 1-2-1 key working support sessions to Rhiannon’s son.

When Rhiannon was asked for her views of West Sussex Connect and her experience of the support both Rhiannon and her son received, she responded with the most inspiring and beautifully written poem.

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