Escape Site

All men can step up

All men can say…

It can’t be that bad or she’d leave

You made your bed you lie in it

probably did something to deserve it

what goes on behind closed doors is between a man and his wife

Sound familiar? I’m sure these are phrases we’ve all heard or at least thought during our lifetime. In what other crime do we blame the victim? None. Only in instances of violent crimes against women do we question and blame the victim. This has to stop. It stops with you, with me, with all the other Men who are willing to stand up against violence against women and say: enough is enough

I am a Domestic Violence outreach worker and I support victims of domestic violence and abuse. I witness the lives it destroys on a daily basis. It’s not just the physical trauma but the emotional trauma that takes years to overcome. And for some, they never recover. It shouldn’t be happening and we should not be allowing it. Only we, as Men can end it. 25th November is white ribbon day. It’s a part of 16 days of activism to end violence against women. We are encouraging all men to promise to:

Someone once said:

for evil to flourish it only takes good men to do nothing are you willing to let this evil continue in our society?

Make the promise, tell us you have done so, so we can post it on or website. Let’s flood social media with our voice making the promise to end violence against Women!

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