Donations make all the difference to the people we work with. When you are escaping domestic abuse, worrying about essentials is the last thing on your mind. But they are still an essential part of daily life, especially if you have kids. Which is why we’re always so delighted when businesses in the community step in to help. And those in our safe accommodation appreciate it.
We’ve received amazing gifts of toiletries from Moonstones. Moonstones have supported us in the past, with items that are making a real difference to people at a very challenging time.
When people who need support come to us, it’s a relief that they have essentials waiting for them. Knowing you can keep warm, cook and wash is an important part of feeling secure. This is how journeys to recovery start.
In an age where caring for strangers isn’t as prevalent as it should be, this is a really powerful message. It provides hope that is desperately needed!
We’re lucky to receive feedback from the people we work with. In fact, we use it to help shape the very services that we offer. Here are some thoughts from the people we work with:
Thank you