In today’s world, rebuilding the lives of those affected by domestic abuse is filled with many challenges. But they often end up leading to triumphs. This story is a powerful testament to the resilience and strength of individuals seeking a fresh start after enduring abuse. This case study shines a light on a courageous journey and the dedicated support she received. Names have been changed to protect the identity of the individuals concerned.
When Shelly and her son arrived, they suffered from severe anxiety and sleep disturbances from the abuse. Low self-esteem and confidence further compounded their difficulties.
Interventions at a refuge
When a family comes to one of our refuges, we offer a variety of interventions to improve their wellness. These are carried out in unison with working with the courts and the police if there are legal proceedings. Our team undertook comprehensive measures to support the two which included:
- Regular reviews
- Financial support
- Counselling
- Art therapy
- Housing and mobility needs
- Legal, health and emotional support
The impact of these interventions was profound. In the time that Shelly and her son stayed at our refuge, many of her previously debilitating issues improved dramatically. Both saw an improvement in their self-esteem, awareness of what is acceptable in a relationship, and engagement with the community. They also felt they had a future.
Building a future
The ultimate goal for the people we work with, is for them to become independent and to lead happy lives. To help with that, we assisted Shelly and her son to move into their own home and to become financially stable. And we’re pleased to say that her son is now at school and both are doing so much better!
Shelly’s journey illustrates the importance of a holistic approach in supporting survivors of domestic violence. Through dedicated efforts, empathy, and comprehensive support, Shelly and her son have found hope, strength, and a new beginning.
We work in six counties helping with people affected by domestic abuse.
If you’d like to help support those in our refuge with donations, both items or funds, please visit our donations page.