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Domestic abuse and stalking

Domestic abuse and stalking are both linked. And studies suggest that people who leave a coercive and controlling relationship, are at a higher risk of being stalked. Domestic abuse is about power and control. Many perpetrators will often continue to stalk in order to regain this control.

Here are some statistics around former intimate partner stalking:

  • 57% of intimate partner stalking victims are stalked during the relationship.
  • 74% of those stalked by a former intimate partner, report violence and/or coercive control during the relationship.
  • 81% of women stalked by a current or former husband or cohabitating partner were also physically assaulted by that partner.
  • 31% of women stalked by an intimate partner were also sexually assaulted.
  • 41% of victims stalked by a current intimate partner and 35% stalked by a former intimate partner, experience threats of harm. Compared to 24% stalked by a non-intimate partner.
  • The average length of partner stalking is 2.2 years. This is longer than the average non-intimate stalking cases, which is 1 year.

Stalking is interrelated to harassment and intimidation. It’s very often a feature of domestic abuse. Especially when the abuser is intensely jealous or following the ending of an abusive relationship. Perpetrators stalk their intimate or former partners as a means of exerting power and control over them. It can be a terrifying form of abuse and has serious consequences for mental health.

Suffering in silence

Stalking can go on for a significant length of time, and in some extreme cases, even over a decade. But you don’t have to suffer in silence and feel helpless.

If you suspect you are being stalked, tell someone. Speak to the police and talk to organisations such as PARAGON who will talk you through what’s happening and the steps you can take to help keep yourself safe. Many people don’t report or reach out for help as they “don’t want to waste people’s time”.

Always report suspected stalking, we would rather you report than not.

Further help can be obtained from Paragon or from Paladin the national stalking support service.

If you’d like to know more around domestic violence and stalking, you can register for a free domestic abuse awareness workshop by emailing or by signing up


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