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Privacy notice for children

What is a Privacy Notice?

It explains how PARAGON uses your personal information. If you need help in understanding this privacy notice, please speak to your support worker.

Information we collect about you

Some of things we ask you about are sensitive. This is special information about who you are, such as your health, the colour of your skin, your beliefs about God or religion. We also ask about your health information and any disabilities you have. We may ask for information from your local Children’s Services and other professionals involved in your support, about any involvement they’ve had with your family.


Why do we use this information?

We use this information to carry out our role to:

  • Safeguard and protect you
  • Provide information and support to you and your family

We use diversity information so we can better understand diversity matters in our work and ensure we comply with equality laws. We collect your diversity information directly from you or your parents / carers. It is your choice and their choice to decide what information to share with us.

Where do we collect your information from?

We may collect this information directly from you during meetings with your support worker, from your parents / carers in telephone calls or face to face meetings and other organisations e.g. Police, children’s services, doctors, schools.


We can only use your data if we have a legal reason to do so, these reasons are known as:

  • legitimate interest in processing your personal data, including sensitive data, before, during and after the end or our period supporting you. We need this information to be able to work with you.
  • public interest we collect and process your special and sensitive information due to something in law that is called “substantial public interest”. This means we have role in safeguarding you as a child.
  • vital interest means we can effectively help you if there is a medical emergency.


The YOU Trust has CCTV in operation at various accommodation sites, which captures images in real time. These cameras may capture footage of you whilst at the premises. We use CCTV to ensure health and safety of people in our buildings and to detect, prevent or reduce incidents of crime. If we receive a request for a copy of any CCTV footage images will be blurred if we do not have permission to share.


Who will we share your information with?

Your data will be treated as confidential and will only be shared internally. This includes with:

  • staff
  • volunteers
  • managers/line managers
  • finance and central administration teams
  • IT staff who need access to data in order to perform their roles

We share your information with those who you give us permission to do so with from a Permission to Share Form. This may include your parent / carers (only with your permission), your teacher / school and your GP. We may share your information with Children’s Services if we are concerned for your safety. There are occasions where we have to share information with a third party, such as court or police where the law requires us to do so.

How will we use this information?

We use this information to be able to provide you with a service, complete assessment forms and processes, identify, assess and manage risk, provide you with the support you require to live a life free of violence and abuse and to work with and coordinate with other agencies to support your appropriately and safely

How long do we keep your data for?

We will hold your data for no longer than is necessary and for as long as we continue to work with you. Once we stop working with you, we will hold your records in secure archives for 7 years then securely destroy it.

Who else can have a copy of your information?

Sometimes we get asked by the Court to share information about the work we do with people, and we are not able to refuse if there is a Court Order in place. However, we will always talk to you about the Order and what we will be sharing. If we believe sharing this information goes against your best interests we will discuss that with the Court and keep you informed along the way.

Reasons why we may talk to you before we give you a copy of your information

  • We may need to talk to you so we are both sure you understand what information is being asked for and how it will be used.
  • We will need to find out how we can share the information and whether you want it sent to you or another person.
  • We would want to talk to you if you had previously asked us not to share your information with somebody and they are now asking to see it.
  • We would want to talk to you if you had previously asked us not to share your information with somebody and they will now see the information we are sharing.

How do we keep your information safe?

  • Your information is stored safely in our secure IT Systems.
  • We send private information by secure email or signed for post.

Can you have a copy of your information?

Yes – Speak to you support worker who can arrange this for you. Alternatively email: with your request. You have a number of rights regarding your data. These include:

  • The right to rectify your data (ask for something to be changed if it is not correct).
  • The right to object to processing
  • The right to have your data erased
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