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Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Service training

Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Service, or SIDAS for short, received 3 new contracts from Public Health in April 2023. As part of these contracts a new team was established to develop and deliver domestic abuse training across Somerset. The main aims are:

  • to spread awareness
  • build confidence
  • develop knowledge
  • improve services for victims and survivors of domestic abuse 

Who the training is for?

Our training is for everyone. A variety of training has been developed and is in development to build skills and knowledge for all levels. From experienced frontline practitioners to individuals with limited knowledge of domestic abuse. Training will soon be available for all age ranges and is delivered sensitively and collaboratively.

Feedback has been incredibly positive, with learners expressing that the training is:

Really engaging and informative

This was the best domestic abuse training I have experienced

Who have you trained already?

So far, we have trained a variety of individuals and organisations. Including:

  • health visiting teams
  • GPs
  • Somerset Drug & Alcohol Service
  • community centres
  • village agents
  • citizens advice

Going forward, our long-term aims are to train all individuals and professionals working in communities and agencies across Somerset.

Is there a need for the training? Why?

Spreading awareness is priceless in supporting communities. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men experience domestic abuse. The Finding the Costs of Freedom report (2014) states “… communities are often the first to know about abuse… they can act as gate openers or gate closers in terms of help seeking.”

Our training service is growing steadily and picking up pace. Learners have expressed a desire to have more training in this important area so they can better support patients, clients, families and colleagues. By spreading awareness, we highlight the often-hidden experiences of those around us. By empowering conversation and building knowledge we ensure that vital support services are known about, understood and utilised effectively.

What content do you cover?

Our training covers everything relating to domestic violence and abuse. We currently have trained over 100 individuals since April in a variety of Domestic Abuse training. We have created a range of trainings. Some of these include:

  • DASH training
  • training for educational providers
  • training for young people
  • honour-based abuse training
SIDAS trainers jade and George

We are working on a variety of other sessions which include accredited training. We are also happy to work with clients to offer a bespoke service for them which suits their needs.

How to book the training?

Our team is made up of Georgina and Jade and we can be contacted by email to discuss training and book dates: or

Importantly our training is free in Somerset; we are happy to travel across Somerset to you or provide a space for training within our Yeovil Office.

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