Escape Site

Misogyny and power

With 16 Days of Activism, we raised awareness to gender-based violence and how it affects women and girls. Just a few short days later, we continue to see damaging, misogynistic and degrading statements by those in positions of power.

Their position impacts the attitudes of others, making unacceptable behaviours seem acceptable. Especially to younger generations who are more open to suggestion.

Whilst you may only see the ‘celebrity’ focussed abuse, the people we work with experience these types of threats and abuse regularly. We all know that it’s never okay to target, humiliate and express wishes of violence on another person, and we are asking that you join us is calling out unacceptable behaviours when you see them.

Please know that victims and survivors are not alone and our teams will be here to help across Christmas and the New Year.

Contact us

Paragon Hampshire
0800 916 9878

Paragon Isle of Wight
0800 234 6266

Paragon Somerset
0800 694 9999

The YOU Trust
Head Office
01329 825930

Paragon Dorset
0800 032 5204

Paragon West Sussex
01403 229017

Paragon Counselling

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