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PARAGON Isle of Wight wins award

PARAGON Isle of Wight service won the prestigious Police Crime Commissioner Award on 31 March.

The event recognises frontline support workers, police officers, staff and volunteers on the Isle of Wight. Our team is commissioned by the Isle of Wight Council to deliver their Integrated Domestic Abuse Services.

Congratulations to Tracy Jackson and her team.

They offer practical and emotional support that covers a range of needs. Like:

  • refuge and safe houses for female, male, and child victims of domestic abuse
  • recovery Groups
  • community Outreach
  • whole family support
  • advocacy
  • legal avenues
  • Counselling
  • Specialist support for victims and survivors of sexual violence (ISVA)
Jayne Hardey and Tracy Jackson receive the award

Trophy for Supporting Victims of Crime Award category

The team receive the award

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