Escape Site

Stalking Awareness Week: Staying safe

Stalking Awareness Week looks at the very serious issues around stalking. So, we’re looking at the things you can do to improve your safety. We’ve looked at how technology can be used against victims, for monitoring, tracking and data collection.

Stalkware is when a perpetrator secretly installs software onto your phone so they can track and monitor what you are doing. This technology is easily found on app stores because they are created for useful purposes, like helping locate elderly people who have had a fall. However, technology can also be used to safeguard people. One of these is the downloadable app called Hollie Guard.

The Hollie Guard app was created after Hollie Gazzard was killed by her ex-partner at her place of work. Hollie had ended the relationship and experienced threatening messages and behaviour from her ex. He entered her work place and stabbed her to death. He’s currently serving a life sentence in prison.

Hollie’s parents and sister created the Hollie Gazzard Trust to help combat domestic violence and to promote healthy relationships.

The app offers a range of features. These include:

  • alert system
  • meeting timer
  • evidence gathering
  • Journey tracker

By holding down a button, the app sets off an alarm while also notifying pre-set contacts, including a 24/7 police-approved monitoring centre.

If you’d like to know more, please visit their website.



stalking awareness week

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