Escape Site

Target Hardening and Sanctuary Schemes

Target hardening is a term that cover the security enhancement of an individual/family’s domestic residence. We spoke to Helen, a Target Hardening Worker on the Isle of Wight, about these applications.

Target Hardening or Sanctuary Schemes are a person-centred initiative to help survivors of domestic abuse feel safer in their homes. It’s done by enhancing their security, which offers victims confidence to regain control of their lives. The support they receive can help reduce feelings of isolation. This is done by helping survivors to deal with practical, security issues after leaving an abusive relationship.

Households who access the scheme experience less disruption to their family life. This is usually at a time of emotional crisis and physical threat. Remaining in their own home supports stability for their children. They are able to maintain their existing schooling and stay in close contact with locally based support, family and friends.

Our role is to assess and prioritise the level of risk for each client. At the initial visit a target hardening, and risk assessment are carried out. We survey the property and surrounding areas to highlight any potential weak spots where an abuser may try to gain access.

Target Hardening is a free service. PARAGON can supply:

  • personal alarms
  • tremor window alarms
  • experienced safety advisors

We can also refer onto the Blue Lamp Trust to provide enhanced security measures such as locks, padlocks etc.

Ways to keep your home secure

Deadbolts are one of the best ways to secure your home. A perpetrator will not be able to break through a deadbolt with a crowbar or pick them open. This guarantees the safety and security of your home.

Windows should have locks on them. If they don’t, you will want to get some jammers. If you have a sliding glass door in your backyard, you will want to install one that has a secure locking mechanism. You should also position a jammer in the track to prevent it from being jimmied open.

Cameras and lighting

Another great means of securing your home is with that of security cameras. Not only will you have the evidence you need to capture the perpetrator, but you will also have the peace of mind to know that your home is protected while you are away. When you have a security system installed, you will be able to watch the video feed from any Internet device. If you see someone lurking around, you can call 999 immediately and catch them in the act.

Motion sensor lighting is ideal for lighting up your home. They will activate when an animal or person sets the detector off. Make sure to place them high out of reach to prevent anyone from trying to break them and create a darkened area around a surrounding windows or door.

Our PARAGON service can help you with target hardening in these areas.

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